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Preventing writers block
Preventing writers block

Don’t you just hate writers block, whether its writing an email, a blog post or the latest chapter in your novel… umm, where was I? Oh yes, here are some ideas to help keep your creativity and the words flowing.

How to learn
How to learn

The field of web technology is constantly changing, so as a web developer a part of your skill set must be learning. Learning is great and gives you new skills and knowledge to help you get better at your job. But the longer you spend learning, the less money you are earning! This post will go through some other ideas of different ways of learning.

How to promote your guest house online
How to promote your guest house online

Recently I was asked for some advice helping a guest house to promote their business online. I gave a few suggestions of the top of my head, but I thought I would try and explain some of these ideas in more detail.

First impressions of Laravel
First impressions of Laravel

A friend of mine has recently introduced me to the Laravel php framework, and I have to say I am very impressed! I have been developing with php for a few years now, but it has mostly been building on top of what others have already built and I hadn’t really started my own project from scratch. This time, I thought I would use Laravel for my new project.

Getting your site ready for Pinterest
Getting your site ready for Pinterest

You may have heard of another social network called Pinterest, but what is it and what do you need to do to optimise your site for it?

What is the difference between web developers and web designers
What is the difference between web developers and web designers

To some people, the differences in these two roles are obvious. A developer is the one that makes the code and the designer is the one that decides how it will look. But in my experience it is not as simple as it may appear.

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Marketing an ebook with the 4Ps
Marketing an ebook with the 4Ps

I have seen a lot of threads from indie authors asking for advice with marketing their ebook. If I’m honest, I have never really had a strategy for marketing my books, I just assumed that I could put it out there and people would find it. In the real world, that does not seem to be the case.

Building a landing page for your book
Building a landing page for your book

This post follows on from my last post about using your website to promote your ebooks. The first step of the article explains that you need to make a website, but didn’t go into too much detail. This post aims at explaining how you can build a landing page for your book with Bulma Clean Theme.

How to promote your ebooks with your website?
How to promote your ebooks with your website?

I’m a web developer by trade and a part-time author, so here are a few things that I have done to help promote my books and ebooks using my website and my tech know how from my day job.

How NOT to make a website

How NOT to make a Website

By C.S. Rhymes

From £5.49 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

By C.S. Rhymes

From £4.99 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!