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7 Tips when building an app
7 Tips when building an app

There are probably about a million different articles and blog posts online that have a very similar title to this, but I thought I would share my own thoughts with you as each person learns something different. You will probably have your own thoughts on what is important when building an app.

If cycling were Formula 1
If cycling were Formula 1

I’ve started cycling again after a break of a few years and I have to say I’m loving it! Not only is it good exercise, but it also gives me time to clear my head and think about random things. This gives me an opportunity to think about work projects and problem solving, as well as the plot for my next chapter in a book I’m writing, but it also gives me a chance to have some random thoughts, such as what if cycling were Formula 1.

How computers work - Bits, Bytes and Lights
How computers work - Bits, Bytes and Lights

If you work in IT then I’m sure you get asked the question ‘How do computers work?’, well here’s a simple post you can reference…

Getting started with Cordova Hybrid Apps

If you are a web developer but fancy getting started with apps then Cordova could be the way forward for you.

How to become a web developer - Part 3

One of the biggest lessons I learnt was to make sure you have all your code backed up. When working on a project you may add and remove lots of lines of code in a couple of hours and its easy to make a mistake and delete the wrong line and for some reason the all mighty UNDO funtion doesn’t bring it back.

How to become a web developer - Part 2

In my last post I introduced my experience of becomming a web developer, but now I would like to share with you how I would recommend to get started if I was starting now. A lot has changed over the past 10 years and I woud definitley do things differently.

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Marketing an ebook with the 4Ps
Marketing an ebook with the 4Ps

I have seen a lot of threads from indie authors asking for advice with marketing their ebook. If I’m honest, I have never really had a strategy for marketing my books, I just assumed that I could put it out there and people would find it. In the real world, that does not seem to be the case.

Building a landing page for your book
Building a landing page for your book

This post follows on from my last post about using your website to promote your ebooks. The first step of the article explains that you need to make a website, but didn’t go into too much detail. This post aims at explaining how you can build a landing page for your book with Bulma Clean Theme.

How to promote your ebooks with your website?
How to promote your ebooks with your website?

I’m a web developer by trade and a part-time author, so here are a few things that I have done to help promote my books and ebooks using my website and my tech know how from my day job.

How NOT to make a website

How NOT to make a Website

By C.S. Rhymes

From £5.49 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

By C.S. Rhymes

From £4.99 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!