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Upcoming Book Promotions

Published: Sep 20, 2014 by C.S. Rhymes

Just a quick message to let you know of a couple of promotions on my books on the Amazon UK kindle store.

How NOT to make a website

I have a special price reduction running from the 1st October 2014 until the 5th October 2014 in the Amazon UK webstore where it will be available for 99p, offering a 59% discount.

If you are looking at finding out more about websites, but are not technical and don’t know where to start, then this is a great opportunity to buy this book at a reduced cost and learn more about the common mistakes that are made when people make websites.

Buy this book on Amazon UK

How NOT to use a smartphone

I have a free book promotion running from the 1st October 2014 until the 5th October 2014 in the Amazon UK webstore.

This is a great opportunity to download my book at no cost, so why not let any friends and family know about it, especially those who are new to using a smartphone.

Buy this book on Amazon UK


If you do take up any of these promotions then please let me know what you think of the books, either through a review on Amazon or through a twitter to @chrisrhymes

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