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If cycling were Formula 1

Published: Mar 31, 2015 by C.S. Rhymes

I’ve started cycling again after a break of a few years and I have to say I’m loving it! Not only is it good exercise, but it also gives me time to clear my head and think about random things. This gives me an opportunity to think about work projects and problem solving, as well as the plot for my next chapter in a book I’m writing, but it also gives me a chance to have some random thoughts, such as what if cycling were Formula 1.


I love watching Formula 1 but it takes the technology jargon and acronyms a bit far sometimes. I’m afraid to say I don’t watch cycling on TV but I am sure there are many technical terms already in professional cycling, but I thought I would make up some of my own in the style of Formula 1 for your everyday cyclist.

Rather than simply call it a slow puncture that needs pumping up, why not change it to More Air In Tyre (M.A.I.T)
Formula 1 has a Drag Reduction System where they open up a flap on the rear wing, cycling could also have this, except all you need to do is crouch down low to the bike.
Formula 1 has an Energy Recovery System where it reclaims braking energy to use in the hybrid engine, in cycling this is where you can freewheel down hill and have a rest.
Box, Box, Box
This is said to the driver over the radio to get them to come in for a pit stop. In cycling this is where you stop at the village pub for a pub lunch.
Prime and Option Tyres
Formula 1 refers to the two tyre choices as prime or option, with prime being the harder and option the softer tyre. In cycling, you could have your on road tyre as the prime tyre and a more grippy off road tyre as the option.
Drive Through Penalty
In Formula 1, if a driver causes a crash or cuts a corner then they get a drive through penalty. In cycling, you get the drive through penalty by having to carry the extra weight you have put on from your last trip through the drive through burger joint.

Let me know of anymore you can think of in the comments section below!

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