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The Little-Astwick Mysteries (book 2) - Grave concern at the Manor

The second book in The Little-Astwick Mysteries series

Published: Aug 6, 2024 by C.S. Rhymes

A small village with a big mystery!

The adventure continues in the second part of The Little-Astwick Mysteries series.

A local metal detectorist, Alan, makes the find of his life in a field just outside the Manor house, which quickly turns into the shock of his life!

David Morgan, a community support officer, and his new friend Evelyn Mckenzie are one again involved in solving the latest mystery set in the fictional English village of Little-Astwick. One story quickly leads into another, uncovering a story that has laid hidden for centuries.

Available to pre-order on Amazon Kindle now, with the paperback available from the 1st September 2024!

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