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Introducing Mere Blog Theme
Introducing Mere Blog Theme

A few weeks ago I was reading an article about how everyone should write a blog. Writing can help you demonstrate your knowledge, but also help out others that are trying to learn the same thing. I write a blog on my own website, which was built with Bulma Clean Theme (a Jekyll website theme built with Bulma), but it’s a bit much if you just wanted to create a blog. So I decided to get my notepad out and start sketching some blog theme ideas.

Creating your first Laravel package
Creating your first Laravel package

I’ve always been interested in making a package for Laravel so I thought I would make a simple example package and share what I had learnt from the process. The package is very simple and just contains some extra collection methods, so I decided to call it extra-collect.

Introducing some new layouts to Bulma Clean Theme
Introducing some new layouts to Bulma Clean Theme

I’ve been meaning to write about some of the new features I have been rolling out to my Jekyll theme, Bulma Clean Theme, for a while but I have only just managed to push the update for the landing page layout last weekend. This article provides some of the thinking behind the updates, as well as a brief introduction to how to get started.

Getting started with Laravel factories
Getting started with Laravel factories

If you want to start writing some tests for your Laravel project then chances are you will need to write some factories at some point. When I first heard the term factory I had no idea what it meant and what it did, let alone the benefits they can bring to your tests.

Using the unique validation rule in a Laravel Form Request
Using the unique validation rule in a Laravel Form Request

Sometimes you want to ensure that a field is unique in the database so that someone can’t add the same item twice, such as the title for a post. Laravel provides a couple of handy tools for this, including the Unique validation rule, but there is a bit more configuration required to other validation rules to make the most of its abilities.

Why build a package?
Why build a package?

In my day to day job I make use of a lot of packages. This got me thinking it would be good to create a package of my own, so I have decided to build a Laravel package. It’s got a long way to go yet before it’s ready, but I thought I would write down my thoughts about the benefits of building a package while it is still fresh in my mind.

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Marketing an ebook with the 4Ps
Marketing an ebook with the 4Ps

I have seen a lot of threads from indie authors asking for advice with marketing their ebook. If I’m honest, I have never really had a strategy for marketing my books, I just assumed that I could put it out there and people would find it. In the real world, that does not seem to be the case.

Building a landing page for your book
Building a landing page for your book

This post follows on from my last post about using your website to promote your ebooks. The first step of the article explains that you need to make a website, but didn’t go into too much detail. This post aims at explaining how you can build a landing page for your book with Bulma Clean Theme.

How to promote your ebooks with your website?
How to promote your ebooks with your website?

I’m a web developer by trade and a part-time author, so here are a few things that I have done to help promote my books and ebooks using my website and my tech know how from my day job.

How NOT to make a website

How NOT to make a Website

By C.S. Rhymes

From £5.49 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

By C.S. Rhymes

From £4.99 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!