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Making multiple post types in Jekyll
Making multiple post types in Jekyll

Recently I decided to make a new section of my website for short stories. This presented my with a dilemma about how best to make multiple post types using Jekyll and GitHub Pages. I found a few different ways people have done it in the past, but I found Collections were the best way of doing it so I thought I would share how I did it.

Time for an update, using Bulma framework
Time for an update, using Bulma framework

It has been a long time since I last updated the design of my site and as a Frontend Developer it didn’t seem right to wait any longer. I have used a variety of different frontend frameworks in the past, from Foundation, to Bootstrap, but this time I wanted something different, so with a cup of coffee in hand I started looking for something new.

First impressions of Vue.js
First impressions of Vue.js

I’ve been looking into different JavaScript frameworks for a while and there seems to be a big following for Vue.js throughout the Laravel community. Therefore, I thought I had better give it a look and see what its all about.

Choosing a frontend framework is confusing
Choosing a frontend framework is confusing

My job title is frontend web developer, and I am confused. I am in a situation where there are now so many different options for me to start learning that I don’t know where to start. I always find a good place to start is the beginning, so here goes a little history lesson.

Organising Your Code
Organising Your Code

Its easy to start writing code without thinking about the organisation, but take some time to plan and it will reward you later. Sometimes a new project is so exciting you just want to start coding and making things work, thinking that you will sort out the structure at a later date. After all, who cares as long as it works, right?

Its easy to get sucked into Page Speed hype
Its easy to get sucked into Page Speed hype

There is a great tool available called Page Speed insights. It gives you an easy to use tool that you can use to measure the speed of your site out of 100. It gives you hints and tips about how you can improve the score of your site, through compressing JavaScript, reducing server response time and eliminating render blocking JavaScript and CSS. The idea being it gives visitors to your website the best experience.

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Why did I become a writer?
Why did I become a writer?

There has been a lot of discussion on Threads recently about becoming a writer, but don’t give up your day job. I have seen a lot of arguments from all sides, some people saying they became a successful full time writer, others saying they would never give up their job, then there are others who became writers full time then went back to another job. Writing has always been a hobby for me, but this discussion has made me think more about why I write.

Adding social icons to the Bulma Clean Theme footer
Adding social icons to the Bulma Clean Theme footer

Version 1.1.0 of Bulma clean theme has been released. It has a small update that allows you to easily add social media links to the footer of your site.

The Little-Astwick Mysteries (book 2) - Grave concern at the Manor
How NOT to make a website

How NOT to make a Website

By C.S. Rhymes

From £5.49 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

By C.S. Rhymes

From £3.99 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!