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The PHP switch statement
The PHP switch statement

In the previous article we discussed the if statement, where it said you can have many different elseif statements if you wanted to handle many different scenarios, but it gets to a point where you should consider swapping to a switch statement.

The PHP if statement
The PHP if statement

This is the first of a series of posts I will write that go back to basics and introduce the fundamentals of PHP. In this article I’m going to start with the PHP if statement.

Using Laravel Resource Collections with exports
Using Laravel Resource Collections with exports

Sometimes you need to get data out of your Laravel app so it can be analysed. There are many ways of doing this, such as exporting rows from the database, or using a package such as Laravel Excel, but this example will utilise Laravel Resource Collections.

Building a Cookery Blog with Bulma Clean Theme
Building a Cookery Blog with Bulma Clean Theme

Version 0.11 of Bulma Clean Theme has a new recipe layout you can use in your posts or pages. This post will explain how to use the new layout and build your very own cookery blog.

Bulma Blade UI
Bulma Blade UI

I would like to introduce a new Laravel package I have been working on for a little while called Bulma Blade UI. It offers a set of reusable Blade components with the Bulma html structure and CSS classes, as well as basic authentication views for use with Laravel Fortify, ready to go with minimal setup.

Testing a Laravel Console Command
Testing a Laravel Console Command

I recently discovered that you can test an artisan console command very easily in Laravel 8 and make assertions on the output. In this example we are going to make a console command to import some products into our database from a csv file and then test they are all added as expected.

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Marketing an ebook with the 4Ps
Marketing an ebook with the 4Ps

I have seen a lot of threads from indie authors asking for advice with marketing their ebook. If I’m honest, I have never really had a strategy for marketing my books, I just assumed that I could put it out there and people would find it. In the real world, that does not seem to be the case.

Building a landing page for your book
Building a landing page for your book

This post follows on from my last post about using your website to promote your ebooks. The first step of the article explains that you need to make a website, but didn’t go into too much detail. This post aims at explaining how you can build a landing page for your book with Bulma Clean Theme.

How to promote your ebooks with your website?
How to promote your ebooks with your website?

I’m a web developer by trade and a part-time author, so here are a few things that I have done to help promote my books and ebooks using my website and my tech know how from my day job.

How NOT to make a website

How NOT to make a Website

By C.S. Rhymes

From £5.49 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

By C.S. Rhymes

From £4.99 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!