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Run Laravel artisan commands in PHP Storm
Run Laravel artisan commands in PHP Storm

PHP Storm has a built in terminal window which you can use to run Laravel artisan commands, but there is a quick configuration change that you can do to make it even easier to run artisan commands.

Testing Laravel Blade Components
Testing Laravel Blade Components

Recently I built a Laravel package containing Blade Components for use with the Bulma frontend framework, called Bulma Blade UI. As part of building the package I wanted to ensure that there were tests to ensure that, firstly, the components rendered without errors, and secondly, that the attributes overrode the settings as expected.

Testing validation rules in a Laravel Livewire component
Testing validation rules in a Laravel Livewire component

Testing validation rules can become quite tiresome pretty quickly if you have to write each test manually. Luckily I’ve found a nice method that allows you to simplify your validation rule tests when using Laravel Livewire components. For this example we have a form that allows a user to update their profile information with a Livewire ProfileForm component.

The PHP switch statement
The PHP switch statement

In the previous article we discussed the if statement, where it said you can have many different elseif statements if you wanted to handle many different scenarios, but it gets to a point where you should consider swapping to a switch statement.

The PHP if statement
The PHP if statement

This is the first of a series of posts I will write that go back to basics and introduce the fundamentals of PHP. In this article I’m going to start with the PHP if statement.

Using Laravel Resource Collections with exports
Using Laravel Resource Collections with exports

Sometimes you need to get data out of your Laravel app so it can be analysed. There are many ways of doing this, such as exporting rows from the database, or using a package such as Laravel Excel, but this example will utilise Laravel Resource Collections.

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Why did I become a writer?
Why did I become a writer?

There has been a lot of discussion on Threads recently about becoming a writer, but don’t give up your day job. I have seen a lot of arguments from all sides, some people saying they became a successful full time writer, others saying they would never give up their job, then there are others who became writers full time then went back to another job. Writing has always been a hobby for me, but this discussion has made me think more about why I write.

Adding social icons to the Bulma Clean Theme footer
Adding social icons to the Bulma Clean Theme footer

Version 1.1.0 of Bulma clean theme has been released. It has a small update that allows you to easily add social media links to the footer of your site.

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How NOT to make a website

How NOT to make a Website

By C.S. Rhymes

From £5.49 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

By C.S. Rhymes

From £3.99 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!